As a beginning writer, you have probably completed lots of courses on writing, but perhaps you lack experience. The best way to gain experience is to write and write often, and your writing needs to be read consistently. In order to be read, your content needs to be: (1) relevant, (2) interesting, and (3) concise.
There’s a lot going on in the world today, so the field is wide open as far as choices for subjects. Pick a subject that will appeal to the largest target audience. Make sure that it is relevant and interesting. It should grab the attention of the reader immediately, provide details in easily digestible segments, and close with a summarizing conclusion. Make sure the topic you choose is interesting, so you won’t lose your reader after the first sentence or two. Provide examples of what you’re writing about; examples that relate to most people’s lives will be the most applicable. Busy people don’t have a lot of time to read long, convoluted paragraphs. Provide a catchy opening; back it up with facts and examples, and add a summarizing closing, and your material will be read.
Over time, readers who appreciate your concise, interesting style will search out your articles, and you will begin to build a base of loyal readers who will tell other readers about your work. Readers will comment on your work. You need to develop a thick skin because some reader’s comments will be hurtful, but others will be practical and will lead you to ideas for other writing projects. You will have started with a firm foundation of clear, concise, interesting writing; you will build on that foundation to develop a portfolio of work that you will be able to show to prospective employers as you look for additional writing jobs. Whether you plan to be a freelance writer or you plan to work for a publishing company, a news organization, or the public relations department of a business, you will have that firm foundation to draw on and expand.